In the Karang Puaka (Phantom Reefs), Kurita (Octopus) was suffering in pain due to the pollution by mankind. He commanded his followers, the Obor-obor (jellyfish) to catch Ibu Gamat to get her slime which will be able to cure him from his diseases. Obor-obor mistook Mat for his mother and caught him along with his friends instead during their journey to the Plankton Garden. Kurita was furious as his pain became more severe.
Buntal (the puffer-fish) who was also the marine police. After some discussion, they seek the advice of Mahatahu (he who knows it all), an eel who gave them some clues as to where to find her son.
Many things happened during her search for Mat. Ibu Gamat
witnessed how sick the marine lives have became due to pollution and she tried to heal them along the way. She also bumped into a bottle containing health drinks, a phone which enabled them to connect to the outside world and etc.
They managed to find Mat finally. Kurita and Obor-obor was captured and brought to the face of judiciary. The admitted to their crimes and were sentenced to clean-up the Sea Garden. They also promised not to disturb the other occupants of the marine lives.
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